News from Slow Villas and Spa in Gili Air. It is with great excitement that we wish to inform you that Slow Villas and Spa has re-opened! The ideal place to awaken mindfulness for busy people.
Last week we walked around the island of Gili Air, and for the first time in two years, the island actually felt like the Gili we fell in love with. Almost all businesses were open, and there were customers everywhere. We devoured a seafood barbecue, watched the sun set over the crystal clear blue water, and danced the night away during the full moon party.
The island had literally slowed down for two years, and it’s coming back in full bloom. SLOW is not just a name, it’s a whole concept. A completely new way to go on holidays!
Ever feel like you are running all the time?
Ever feel like you never have time for yourself?
Need a break?
You deserve a break!
SLOW will bring you comfort, relaxation and total freedom. You’ll feel straight at home in your Private Pool Villa. At SLOW you’ll arrive as a guest and leave as a friend. Let us, for once, take care of you and for once, if you wish, you’ll have nothing to do. I mean, you’ll have no obligations.

Mindfulness for Busy People
Do you think it’s possible to incorporate mindfulness into your busy life, while you’re on the go?
Mindfulness is cultivating present moment awareness, realizing that you are distracted by your thoughts, which is inevitable, And certainly not a sign of failure. Noticing your distraction is mindfulness. Congratulate yourself for it.
The best part is that mindfulness can dramatically improve your busy life. You must purposely make an effort to practice it, but it is scientifically proven to have a wide range of benefits.
I like to compare mindfulness to a moment where I’m sitting on the beach watching the sunset listening to my favorite music. I bring awareness to my experience in a purposeful and particular way, without judgement or defense, with open curiosity and acceptance.
Everything is a question of perception. Similar objects appear differently because of the differences in the mind that perceives them.
When I’m mindful I am fully present in the moment. I’m not judging, or evaluating. I am not reflecting back on memories, I am not looking forward to see the future, I’m not trying to problem solve, or avoid any unpleasant aspects of the present situation. It is like a microscope, clearly presenting what is there. The now, not referring to the past, nor the future.
It is the part of the brain that acknowledges what is, and how it is. It includes the process of thinking itself, it is a part of you that knows, and that is aware that you are thinking: it is you. That part does not produce opinions, thoughts, nor judgements. It simply notices, it is the part of our mind that is called our observing mind, also known as awareness.
Awareness always has space for the most troublesome thoughts, and the strongest emotions. It somehow knows that sooner or later the weather will change. Your awareness is a little like the sky. While the thoughts and emotions are like the clouds, or the weather passing through. I like to remember the sky is never overwhelmed by the weather conditions. There is enough room for the strongest storms, even for most ferocious hurricanes.